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Youth in Cyprus seeks ban on unpaid internships after EU passes landmark law

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Young people in Cyprus are calling on lawmakers to end unpaid internships after the EU passed a landmark law banning the practice across the union.

On June 14, the European Parliament (EP) voted to ensure the implementation of ‘minimum quality standards’ regarding traineeships, including a provision that they are “adequately compensated,” covering the cost of basic living necessities such as food, housing, and transportation, as a minimum.

With 404 votes in favour, the EP plenary effectively adopted a report prepared by the European Youth Forum calling on the Commission to propose a directive on Quality Traineeships.

Unpaid internships deepen inequality

Research has shown that it costs an average young person in Europe over €1,000 per month to do an unpaid internship.

This deepens inequality among young people as many times only those coming from more privileged backgrounds are able to afford unpaid internships, therefore gaining a foothold in the labour market over their peers.

Situation in Cyprus

In Cyprus, the issue of unpaid internships was brought forward by the Cyprus Youth Council and the House of Youth Representatives, as well as by the Cypriot vice president of the European Youth Forum (YFJ) Christiana Xenofontos.

However, after the change in government in February, discussions have frozen, they say.

“The position of the Cyprus Youth Council is that the practice of paid internships should be implemented for all job roles,” the local umbrella body for youth organisations said.

“The adoption of the report on quality traineeships by the European Parliament is of the utmost importance,“ Xenofontos added. “As vice president of the European Youth Forum, it is a personal challenge for me to continue the effort until the European Commission acts on the necessary regulation.”

She concluded by saying “As representatives of local youth, we expect that the issue will continue to be discussed at the national level within the Cyprus Parliament, despite the fact that it has been frozen for quite some time, and that the current government will do the right thing to ensure the regulation of unpaid internships”.

(Featured image by EURACTIV)

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Young people shape the future of Europe at the EU Youth Conference

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