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Cyprus MFA condemns visit by US Republican congressman to occupied north

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The Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs has criticised the trip made by the American Republican congressman Pete Sessions to the Turkish-occupied northern part of Cyprus.

The Ministry said that this action was a deliberate choice made by the congressman himself, going against the relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions and evidently pursuing alternative motives.

In an official statement, the Ministry addressed the “unlawful visit,” which is denounced as a “breach of international law and a departure from the established stance of the United States.”

It underscored that “it is evident that the aforementioned illicit visit reflects a conscious decision taken by the congressman himself. This decision undermines the applicable United Nations Security Council Resolutions and appears to be driven by ulterior motives, including the intent to manipulate perceptions. Unlike others, Mr Sessions’ historical ties with Turkey posed an obstacle to prevention.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed that the Republic of Cyprus is actively engaged in direct and close dialogue with the United States regarding this incident.

This engagement is guided by their longstanding collaboration, which is rooted in various factors, including the official position of U.S. authorities on the matter of Cyprus. This position remains unchanged and aligned with international law.

Read more:

Nicosia on high alert over planned visit to breakaway Cyprus by US Congressman

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