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Paphos Mayor calls for measures after attacks against judiciary officials

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In the wake of an arson against a public prosecutor’s car in Paphos, the city’s Mayor Phedonas Phedonos is calling for an urgent meeting to be chaired by the Minister of Justice.

The plea comes as a response to the escalating concerns surrounding perceived increased criminality and attacks against public prosecutors in the region.

Reflecting on the situation, Phedonos recalled, “Six years ago, in the aftermath of a bombing targeting my mother’s vehicle, I underscored the pivotal role of the drug trade as the breeding ground for criminality in Paphos and its surrounding areas.”

He added, “I persistently warned that unless prompt and decisive measures were implemented, the situation would inevitably spiral out of control.”

Highlighting the urgency of the matter, he asserted, “In light of the three recent criminal incidents targeting members of the Prosecution Authorities, an immediate response is imperative. This begins with the neutralisation of the 4-5 major drug traffickers operating in the Paphos District.”

Concluding, the Mayor called for a prompt meeting chaired by the Minister of Justice in Paphos.

On January 14, unidentified perpetrators set fire to a public prosecutor’s vehicle while it was parked in the apartment building where she resides with her family, in the area between the Technical School of Paphos and Kykkos Lyceum.

On December 21, an explosive device detonated at the residence of a 58-year-old public prosecutor in Anavargos, resulting in her minor injuries from glass fragments that shattered in a kitchen door.

Public prosecutors across Cyprus said they are going on a full-day strike following the events.

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