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The winner of the debate

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The verbal spars between DIKO leader Nikolas Papadopoulos and ELAM leader Christos Christou have been a back-and-forth affair, with appearances on various television stations.

The catalyst for these debates was the highly contested third-place position in the European Parliament elections, using the immigration issue as a pretext, especially ELAM’s controversial proposal for one-way passports for migrants, allowing them to transit through Cyprus on their way to Europe.

Mr Papadopoulos initiated this series of televised debates, throwing down the gauntlet for a public confrontation, which Mr Christou readily accepted.

Regardless of the content of these discussions and who presented the most compelling arguments, one certainty is that Christos Christou emerged as the victor.

He stepped out of obscurity and into the spotlight, becoming a sought-after speaker directly addressing the public.


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