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ELAM leader admitted gun conviction, EDEK says

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The National Popular Front (ELAM) party leader admitted a 2007 conviction for illegal gun possession in Greece during a televised appearance last night, according to a press release issued by the Movement for Social Democracy (EDEK) today.

The EDEK press release states that the ELAM leader “was forced to confess his conviction after the President of EDEK exposed him with his statements.” It further claims that this admission “has left his MP, Sotiris Ioannou, exposed as well,” referring to Ioannou’s denial of the conviction on a separate televised appearance on April 26.

The release adds that the ELAM leader was previously a member of the bodyguard group of Nikos Michaloliakos, leader of the Greek far-right group Golden Dawn which has been labelled a criminal organisation.

EDEK concludes the press release by stating, “This admission of guilt essentially leaves the leadership of ELAM exposed. We hope that the people begin to understand who they are dealing with.”

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