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Monday, June 24, 2024

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How much rent prices for student flats in Cyprus will rise?

The expected loss of thousands of Greek students following the decision to allow private universities in Greece may reverse...

Cyprus banks urged to lower interest rates by government and Central Bank

The government and the Central Bank urged banks to reduce lending rates, citing concerns about affordability for businesses and...

Hear the cries of households and businesses, Finance Minister tells banks

Finance Minister Makis Keravnos on Tuesday called on banks to reduce interest rates and avoid further hikes. In a speech...

Banks risk reputation, clients by holding interest rates high, CBC Governor says

The Governor of Cyprus's Central Bank, Christodoulos Patsalides, appealed to banks to consider their reputation risk and the impact...

Cyprus food prices surge despite VAT cut

Prices for fresh produce in Cyprus defied government efforts to curb inflation, data from the Consumers' Association showed on...

High-net-worth individuals hit record numbers in 2023

The number of high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) and their combined wealth reached unprecedented highs in 2023, driven by a rebound...

Housing policy and strengthening of the HFC

There cannot be a housing policy without funding. This can be achieved by strengthening and supporting the Housing Finance...

Government considers extending inflation relief measures beyond June

The possibility of extending measures aimed at tackling inflation remains on the table, officials have indicated. Finance Minister Makis Keravnos,...

Half of young Cypriots want to move abroad as they struggle with housing, jobs, survey finds

Half of young Cypriots (50%) want to move abroad as they struggle with the local job and housing markets,...

The two aspects of unemployment

The unemployment rate stood at 6% in the first quarter of 2024, compared to 6.8% in the corresponding period...

Woman allegedly threatened to set house alight, bit officer during eviction attempt

Police in Limassol arrested a 61-year-old woman today on charges of disobeying a court order and assaulting a police...

“Anti-government” protests in occupied north gain momentum

Animal producers in the occupied north entered the eighth day of their protests on Monday, joined by a growing...

ECB policy must stay restrictive into 2025, chief economist says

The European Central Bank is ready to cut interest rates next month but policy must continue to be restrictive...

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