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Sunday, June 23, 2024

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What colour is the revolution?

In bygone days, every "revolutionary" act, every reaction to a situation, every protest or claim, was filled with anger,...

Demi Moore says Cannes body horror ‘The Substance’ demanded full vulnerability

Movie star Demi Moore said the vulnerability required for her role in body horror film "The Substance," which premiered...

After decades, Francis Ford Coppola’s opus ‘Megalopolis’ finally debuts at Cannes

Legendary director Francis Ford Coppola closed a decades-in-the-making chapter of his long career on Thursday as his passion project...

Dystopia and glamour collide as new ‘Mad Max’ saga premieres at Cannes

Marvel royalty Chris Hemsworth walked the Cannes Film Festival's red carpet alongside star-of-the-show Anya Taylor-Joy for the first time...

When is Cannes Film Festival 2024 and what can we expect?

The Cannes Film Festival will bring together the industry's biggest luminaries in southern France next week to celebrate cinema,...

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