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Cypriot sailor Kontides claims silver in pre-Olympic Regatta

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Cypriot sailor Pavlos Kontides has secured a silver medal at the Coach Regatta in Marseille, France.

This regatta marked the first major training camp leading up to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, scheduled for early August (1-6).

The 34-year-old Kontides, already a seasoned Olympian with a silver medal from the 2012 London Games, displayed consistent performance throughout the camp. He kicked things off with a bronze in the Magic Regatta before adding the Coach Regatta silver to his collection.

“We encountered a variety of conditions,” Kontides reflected. “While I excelled on some days, others proved more challenging. There’s room for improvement, but overall I’m happy with my current form. Both physically and strategically, I’m making steady progress.”

Kontides, who established his training base in Marseille since mid-May, capitalised on the opportunity to hone his skills and acclimatise to the local weather patterns in the Olympic waters.

“The camp yielded valuable insights into technique and strategy,” said Kontides, a two-time World Champion (2017, 2018). “We gained a better understanding of the wind behavior in the bay, influenced by the surrounding dry areas.”

Significantly, the regatta brought together most of Kontides’ key Olympic rivals. England’s Michael Beckett and New Zealand’s Thomas Saunders joined the competition in the Coach Regatta, while Norway’s Hermann Tomasgaard and Germany’s Philipp Buhl were the only notable absentees.

“We’re approaching peak form,” Kontides, who recently climbed back into the top ten (ninth) of the Laser class world rankings, expressed optimism. “The next month and a half will involve addressing specific areas, but I’m confident I’ll be in top shape for the Olympics.”

The Coach Regatta, held from June 6 to 9, saw Kontides clinch victory in the final race of the eight-race series. He also secured a second-place finish, two thirds, and a fourth.

Kontides, representing the Limassol Nautical Club, will return to Marseille on June 20 to participate in the final pre-Olympic Coach Regatta before the Paris 2024 Games.

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