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Cate Blanchett’s Cannes dress sparks speculation of Palestine solidarity

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Australian actress Cate Blanchett’s choice of dress at the Cannes Film Festival opening ceremony has sparked social media discussion about a possible message of solidarity with Palestine.

Blanchett’s black, white, and green dress – colours mirroring the Palestinian flag – drew attention online.

The actress is a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador and has previously spoken out about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In November 2023, she addressed the European Parliament, calling for an immediate ceasefire.

“The conflict has cost and continues to cost the lives of thousands of innocent people,” Blanchett said then.

“I am not Syrian. I am not Ukrainian. I’m not Yemeni. I’m not Afghani. I’m not from South Sudan. I’m not from Israel or Palestine. I’m not a politician. I’m not even a pundit. But I am a witness,” she said.

While there is no official confirmation from Blanchett or her representatives, the dress choice has resonated with some social media users who interpreted it as a symbolic gesture.

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