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Activists deface King Charles portrait in London gallery protest [VIDEO]

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Animal rights activists have targeted a portrait of King Charles, pasting the animated character Wallace’s face over his own.

A comic book-style speech bubble reading, “No, Gromit!” (a catchphrase from the Wallace and Gromit cartoon series) was also added to the portrait, displayed at the Philip Mould Gallery in central London.

This is the first official portrait of King Charles, created by artist Jonathan Yeo, following his coronation. It was unveiled at Buckingham Palace last month.

Why the King’s Portrait Was Vandalised

The activist group Animal Rising claimed responsibility for the incident, stating that the artwork was targeted due to the King’s love for the British series Wallace and Gromit, created by Nick Park, and his role as the royal patron of the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).

The RSPCA has had a royal patron since 1840, when Queen Victoria became its first royal patron.

“This action highlighted the cruelty taking place on RSPCA Assured farms, which the group had exposed over the previous weekend,” the group stated.

“Charles has made it clear that he is sensitive to animal suffering on UK farms. Now is the perfect time for him to step up and call on the RSPCA to tell the truth about animal husbandry,” the activists involved in the incident said.

A video shows two protesters approaching the painting, pasting the posters using paint rollers, and then walking away.

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