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Shut your ears. That’s what the president does.

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I observe with sympathy the supporters of the president, his advocates, admirers, and even his fanatic faithful followers who act on the internet like the Taliban, as they try to justify, explain, and applaud every action and… inaction of his, rushing to praise even his clumsy moves in a manner reminiscent of the epic moments of Efthimios Diplaros regarding the correction of mistakes. However, if we criticize based on our sympathies (let alone… antipathies!), ideologies, beliefs, and the alignment we may have on one or more issues with certain politicians or parties, and because of them, either we close our eyes, leave things unaddressed, and indulge in repeated gargling, or choose to take a soft stance or even justify what under other circumstances we would deem worthy of criticism and condemnation, what exactly is the point?

So, what are we unfortunate ones supposed to manage at this given moment? A paradox! A president who engages in first-rate amateurism. Who displays the unprecedented talent to mess up his government all by himself, to trip himself up, fall on his back, and break his… nose! Who has nothing “new” to show in the ten months of an otherwise promising governance, except for the renovation (rightly done in my opinion) of the Presidential Palace. On the contrary, his actions so far reek, or in other words, stink. And what I’m saying does not mean that work has not been produced in some ministries and areas. Of course, it has. By ministers who don’t run breathlessly, caring about their image, unlike the president who seeks applause even in the morning. However, the “new” and the “change” can only be found on the second floor of the Palace, in the parquet floors, balcony doors, and the tasteful arrangement of Philippa. Nowhere else. Oh yes, and in the president’s appearance! That’s it. Nothing has changed in mentality or ethics. Old-party mentalities and behaviors, cronyism, nepotism, interests… Well, you can’t call them “new,” Mr. President!

Moreover, what “new” are we talking about? Let’s not forget that Nikos Christodoulides was elected despite serious misconduct revealed during the election campaign, thanks (also) to the fact that a dozen journalists and media took care to protect him, so many of those unhealthy misconducts did not reach the general public to the extent they should have.

And yet! This president, who made a mess from his very first “top political act,” the formation of his cabinet, even though he had boasted about his readiness to govern, the black notebook, specific choices, the brightest minds in Cyprus, and the brightest Cypriot minds abroad that he would bring, who appointed close friends and relatives, declares – can he truly believe it? – that he is the “new,” that he is changing the “old,” and that’s why the “old” is groaning. It would be really interesting if, instead of indulging in bickering and baby talk, he analyzed for us the invasion of the new so that we could lend a hand to finally unbutton the old. He instructs his ministers – he, the epitome of the ‘Sire’n, who enchanted citizens with his flawless profile, jargon, verbal flourishes, and sparkling smile – to close their ears to the ‘Sirens’ (!) and to unwarranted criticism. “That’s what I’m doing too”! With all due respect, Mr. President. You may close your ears to “unwarranted criticism,” but certainly not to the sirens. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be so anxious seeing the (secret) measurements of your popularity and your once untarnished image now tarnished, just ten months after your election. It is, of course, still too early. You can easily turn the game around. Just govern. Can you?

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