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Israel is turning into the monster it is fighting

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The ship, with assistance from Cyprus, has reached Palestinian territories. It carried 200 tons of humanitarian aid for the besieged residents of the Gaza Strip. The hope is that its first journey will open a maritime route for broader supply delivery.

Every aid to the long-suffering Palestinian people is welcome, as the situation prevailing in Gaza is tragic.

Even before the onset of military operations, there was a serious problem, and the survival of thousands of people depended on the delivery of humanitarian aid. After October 7th, things got much worse.

Humanitarian aid, subject to Israeli control and approval, arrives in dribs and drabs. The situation is extremely serious, especially in the northern part of the enclave, where distributing aid to approximately 300,000 people is practically impossible due to fighting, destruction, and looting.

The testimonies of the inhabitants are terrifying. They live with minimal food and without water. There are already reports of children dying from hunger and dehydration.

“I feed my daughter with water just so she doesn’t die. I have no other choice,” described one mother. “They are killing children in slow motion,” emphasized a Save the Children spokesperson.

The responsibility for this unacceptable situation lies with Israel, which uses hunger as a tool of war in its attempt to break the Palestinians and defeat Hamas.

There is no doubt that Israeli authorities could allow the transfer of much larger quantities of aid and ensure that the people of Gaza had at least the basics to survive.

They don’t, thus losing any right they had to react to the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7th.

Every time Israel is called upon to respond to accusations of the atrocities it commits, the same, now meaningless, excuses are heard that the terrorist organization must be defeated and that everything is within the framework of the rules of war.

However, what Israel fails to realize is that in order to fight the monster of Hamas, it has become a monster itself.

“I remember very well the terror, the cold, the hunger, which caused intense pain in my stomach. We didn’t know why all this was happening.” It could be the plea of a child from Gaza. It isn’t. It’s the voice of an Israeli girl who survived Auschwitz and described what she experienced there.

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