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Heatwave, schools, air conditioners – Whatever happens some will react

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As with any decision that is made, the same goes for today’s suspension of classes in public kindergartens, primary schools, and secondary schools providing remedial teaching for students, sparking endless discussions among all stakeholders.

Often, people who are not directly involved in the matter at hand may still have strong opinions about it.

It is common knowledge that there is no air conditioning in school classrooms. Equally well known are the persistent requests made over many years by teachers, parents, and students for the installation of air conditioners. And they have been directing these requests not just to the current government but to all administrations that have held office in recent years.

After hearing all sorts of excuses (some even citing public health concerns a few years ago, claiming that air conditioning is not the best for children’s health!), we finally received an admission: Most of our schools, as they currently stand in terms of infrastructure, cannot support the installation and operation of air conditioners.

So, when the decision was finally made to install air conditioners, studies and designs were initiated to figure out how to get the darn things installed—devices that are now found everywhere except in classrooms.

Until this process is completed, the reality is what we already know: classrooms without air conditioning and inhumane conditions due to the high temperatures recorded on our island for a significant portion of the year.

This situation impacts not only the educational process—how can teachers perform at their best, and students concentrate and comprehend their lessons—but also the health of students and educators.

I am certain that the Ministry of Education received not just complaints and protests but also reports of students experiencing serious health issues due to the situation, which led to today’s decision to suspend classes.

What happened on Wednesday when the announcement was made? Well, all hell broke loose! Some applauded the decision, as it was something they had been publicly demanding for days, while others vehemently disagreed and protested, as their daily routines were affected, not knowing where to leave their children, and possibly some could not afford to miss a day’s work. Yet others seized the opportunity to ridicule the situation.

Because in 2024, we don’t have air conditioning and can’t handle the heat. Therefore, those in charge are deemed incompetent. The teachers, too, presented a divided front, with some supporting the decision and others reacting negatively because while students would be dismissed, they were instructed to remain at school.

All of the above is further proof that no decision or system affecting thousands of citizens can ever, ever satisfy everyone’s needs.

And we will always have these same endless discussions…

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