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Reducing electricity costs a priority for the government -Energy Minister

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The government is committed to reducing electricity costs for households and businesses while prioritising energy security and accelerating the energy transition, Minister of Energy, George Papanastasiou said.

The Minister made these remarks during his address at the 5th “Cyprus Talks Green,” conference.

Papanastasiou highlighted the collaborative efforts of the Energy Ministry, other relevant ministries, public entities, and private organisations in reviewing energy and climate policies, including Cyprus’ national plan for 2030 and 2050.

He also stressed the need to consider the evolving geopolitical landscape in the region and Cyprus’ unique position as an island nation.

The Minister also referred to the steps the government is making to integrate hydrogen into Cyprus’ energy mix. He mentioned a study that presented two scenarios for hydrogen introduction by 2030 and 2050. The conservative scenario envisioned no hydrogen introduction by 2030, while the “aggressive” scenario relied on substantial investments in infrastructure and rapid technological advancements.

Papanastasiou outlined potential applications for hydrogen, such as its use in industries like cement, bricks, and roof tiles after 2030, and in lorries, buses, shipping, and aviation by 2030. These applications could cover a small portion of the fuel demand. Beyond 2050, hydrogen derivatives like ammonia for shipping and e-kerosene for aviation could potentially cover a significant portion of the fuel demand.

Dutch Ambassador to Cyprus, Elke Merks-Schaapveld, mentioned the Netherlands’ involvement in assisting Cyprus with developing its national strategy. She expressed her country’s willingness to share knowledge and technology, and further strengthen the relationship between the two nations. Merks-Schaapveld emphasised the urgency of addressing climate change, highlighting the need for global collaboration and the exploration of innovative technologies and strategies to mitigate its effects.

The ambassador concluded by underscoring the importance of collective action, stating that there is no alternative plan for our planet, and it is crucial to unite efforts, pool resources, and find standard solutions to combat climate change.

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