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Physiotherapists in Cyprus to go ahead with Thursday’s announced all-day strike

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Physiotherapists in Cyprus are going ahead with their announced all-day strike on Thursday arguing that the Health Insurance Organisation (HIO) has failed to meet the real needs of GeSY beneficiaries.

Physiotherapists accuse the HIO of not calculating correctly the units needed to cover the needs of all the beneficiaries of GeSY (General Health Scheme).

And that the charging practice followed by the HIO shows a lack of respect for the 900 physiotherapists registered under the scheme.

The physiotherapists are even planning a protest on Thursday outside the HIO premises in Nicosia.

As for the HIO, a statement on Wednesday said  physiotherapists have chosen the path of confrontation despite the Organization’s call for constructive dialogue.

At the same time, the Federation of Cyprus Patients’ Associations have called on both sides to resume a dialogue and reach a compromise agreement the soonest possible.

The interests of patients/beneficiaries of GeSY should always be taken into account, their statement also said.

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