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Government Spokeswoman’s overtime claims spark controversy amid House inquiry

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The Deputy Government Spokeswoman, Doxa Komodromou, has come under scrutiny for excessive claims of overtime pay for various official duties, including national anniversaries, funerals, speeches, and meetings with the President and the media.

These revelations have emerged following an investigation by the Audit Office, presented to Parliament during a parliamentary inquiry led by the House Financial Affairs Committee. Approximately 50 overtime claims were submitted by the Office of the Presidency, totalling €2,486, covering the period from March to May 2023. Komodromou will be called to repay the money.

The payments were made with the endorsement of the Office of the President, which provided the University of Cyprus with a certificate documenting the overtime hours worked by Komodromou. Her hourly compensation rate for weekdays was €8, while it was €7 for weekends and holidays.

According to the information provided to the Audit Office, Komodromou claimed overtime on April 2 for working from 14:00 to 17:00 to prepare a speech for the Deputy Minister of Culture regarding the Christodoula March charity event. Additionally, she worked for four hours on Sunday, March 19, from 10:00 to 14:00, to prepare a speech for the President for the April 1 anniversary. Overtime claims were also filed for lectures at the University of Cyprus.

The overtime claims included meetings attended by the President and the Government Spokeswoman, such as an event for the March 25 national holiday at the Larnaca Municipal Theatre, a religious liturgy, sporting awards in Aradippou, visits to Phileleftheros and Haravgi newspapers, attendance at an event by the Archbishop Makarios Foundation, the procession of Saint Lazarus, the Christodoula event, a scout parade, and a diplomatic corps reception.

The Auditor General, Odysseas Michaelides, informed the Parliament that Komodromou claimed overtime from 15:00 to midnight to attend a Council of Ministers meeting in Troodos, a funeral, and a memorial service, as well as the inauguration of an observatory.

Members of Parliament from various political parties have expressed their concerns over the abuse of overtime claims.

Christos Christophides of AKEL stated that this case revealed a scandal involving overtime claims by a government official, possibly a first in the history of the Republic of Cyprus.

Onoufrios Koullas of DISY said that it found it hard to believe that these claims were initiated by Komodromou without the knowledge of President Christodoulides.

Chrysis Pantelides of DIKO mentioned that the Presidency heeded the warnings and comments of the Audit Office.

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