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Exports of spyware from Cyprus under debate at House Legal Committee

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The House Legal Committee on Wednesday will debate the role Cyprus has played as an export hub for spyware used in recent eavesdropping cases that have shaken the EU and a number of member states.

The debate follows a recent report by European Parliament’s Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware (PEGA).

The report had noted that Cyprus played a major role as an export hub for spyware and should repeal all export licenses it has issued that are not in line with EU legislation.

Invited to attend the debate are -among others – the Attorney General of the Republic, the Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry, the Minister of Justice and Public Order and the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy.

As well as the Chief of Police, the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection, the Commissioner for Communications, the Director of the Customs Department of the Ministry of Finance and the Commissioner for Companies and Intellectual Property.

The parliamentary committee also made note of Cyprus’ involvement in the spy case that shook Greece, which saw spyware, namely the Pegasus, used to monitor opposition party leaders and journalists.

The committee has also requested that further investigations are made into reported cases of eavesdropping on journalists, lawyers, activists and citizens in Cyprus.

Read more:

European Parliament calls on Cyprus to repeal spyware export permits

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