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European Parliament calls on Cyprus to repeal spyware export permits

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The European Parliament on Thursday called on Nicosia to repeal spyware export permits and fully investigate allegations of illegitimate use.

An approved by a vast majority report included targeted recommendations on Cyprus regarding its reported role as an export hub for spyware.

The report was built on the work of the Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware (PEGA). It was approved with 411 votes in favour, 97 against and 37 abstentions.

Philenews reporters who thoroughly investigated the scandalous story noted that Thursday’s development confirms in the most official way Cyprus’ negative role in the trafficking of surveillance software.

Brussels-based journalist George Kakouris – on behalf of the Cyprus News Agency – has reported that the resolution specifically calls on Cyprus:

⦁ “to thoroughly evaluate all export licenses issued for spyware and revoke them where appropriate”

⦁ “to thoroughly assess the shipment of spyware material within the EU internal market between Member States and map the various Israeli companies or companies owned and managed by Israeli citizens that are registered in Cyprus and involved in such activities”

⦁ “to make public the report of the Special Investigator on the Spyware Van case, as requested by the Committee during its official mission to Cyprus”

⦁ “to fully investigate, with the assistance of Europol, all allegations of illegal use and export of spyware, in particular against journalists, lawyers, civil society players and Cypriot citizens”

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