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Cyprus President in Jordan for official visit, in Palestine on Wednesday

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President Nikos Christodoulides on Tuesday morning flew to Jordan for an official visit which is to focus on the Cyprus problem, illegal migration and forest firefighting aid, according to a Presidential Palace announcement.

He will meet Jordan’s King Abdullah II in Amman along with Prince Hasan bin Talal and the heir to the throne Prince Hussein.

Further political cooperation between Cyprus and Jordan is anticipated since both countries are pillars of stability and peace in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region, the announcement also said.

Specifically, bilateral cooperation in various fields includes cooperation in forest firefighting, immigration, regional developments, the Middle East Peace Process and developments in the Cyprus problem.

In the afternoon, Christodoulides will meet the Archbishop of Kyriakoupoleos Christoforos and attend a dinner hosted by Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi.

From Jordan, Christodoulides and the officials accompanying him will travel to Ramallah, Palestine, on Wednesday. This is the first visit of a Cypriot President there since 2015.

The President is accompanied by Foreign Affairs Minister Constantinos Kombos, Energy Minister George Papanastasiou, Government Spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis and the deputy director of the president’s diplomatic office Doros Venezis.

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