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Cyprus FM satisfied with UNSC statement on Pyla incident

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The Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its satisfaction with a UN Security Council statement regarding the assault of peacekeepers by Turkish Cypriot security personnel inside the buffer zone near Pyla.

In a press release on Tuesday, the Ministry said that it “notes with satisfaction the Press Statement of 21st August of the UN Security Council, following the immediate and wide response of the international community regarding the violation of the status quo within the buffer zone in the area of Pyla.”

The Ministry added that “the Turkish occupying forces planned and attempted to carry out a new serious military breach within the buffer zone. The attempted road construction between the occupied village of Arsos and the village of Pyla constitutes a violation of the status quo in the area and, as it is underlined by the Security Council, runs contrary to UN Security Council Resolutions.”

Moreover, it noted that “the threats and violence against UN peacekeepers constitute a crime under international law, and are unequivocally condemned by the Security Council in its statement. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterates that the Government and the people of Cyprus stand in full solidarity with the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP).”

The Ministry also underlines that in a coordinated manner and through all diplomatic channels, it has acted in full cooperation with Permanent and non-Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, with the EU, the UNFICYP, and in close and continuous cooperation with the Greek Government.

The strong reaction of the international community, the FM notes, “constitutes a clear response to the unfounded claims of the Turkish Cypriot leadership and Turkey, and sends a strong message that such actions will not be accepted.”

From the outset, it adds “the Government has acted in a responsible manner, in full respect of international law. In the same vein, the Government has repeatedly denounced in the past, similar violations within the buffer zone, which have been intensifying in a systematic manner, emphasizing the need for UNFICYP to be allowed to fulfil its mission unhindered, as mandated by the UN Security Council.”

At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes, especially at this point in time, the reaffirmation by the Security Council of the basis of the solution of the Cyprus Question within the framework of a bizonal, bicommunal federation, with political equality, as defined by relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

The Ministry fully agrees with the position expressed by the members of the Security Council regarding the need to reach an agreement for the appointment of a UN Secretary-General Envoy, as this would contribute in a decisive manner to the efforts to resume negotiations for the solution of the Cyprus Question, a view which the Ministry has also conveyed to the UN Secretary-General.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, therefore, “expects an immediate end to the illegal actions of the Turkish side, based on the UN Security Council’s call for the removal of all illegal constructions and the prevention of further such actions, military or non-military, within and along the ceasefire line.”

In the case such actions continue, it says, “will have a negative effect on the current efforts to restart negotiations for the solution of the Cyprus Question, but also in relation to the future of EU-Turkish relations”.

Read more:

UNSC, including Russia, condemn Turkish provocations at UN Buffer Zone near Pyla

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