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On This Day: Mutinous Russian soldiers seized the battleship Potemkin in the Black Sea

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Following are some of the major events to have occurred on June 27:

1905 – Mutinous Russian soldiers seized the battleship Potemkin in the Black Sea, throwing the commander and several other officers overboard.

1995 – Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak addresses supporters a day after assassination attempt.

1997 – At a conference in Brussels, 95 countries agreed to sign up to a ban on landmines.

1999 – George Papadopoulos, the former Greek dictator who led a military junta that tortured and jailed thousands of Greeks between 1967 and 1973, died aged 80.

2001 – The Academy Award-winning American actor Jack Lemmon died. He was best known for his appearances in the films “Some Like It Hot”, “The Apartment”, “Missing” and “The Odd Couple”.

2002 – The Group of Eight industrialised nations finalised a $20 billion deal to help pay to decommission weapons of mass destruction in Russia and the rest of the former Soviet Union.

2007 – Haile Gebrselassie of Ethiopia breaks world record in one-hour running event.

2007 – Gordon Brown replaced Tony Blair as Britain’s prime minister after years of waiting, promising sweeping changes to restore trust in a government damaged by the Iraq war.

2008 – India’s former army chief Sam Manekshaw, considered one of the country’s greatest war heroes whose victory over Pakistan in 1971 helped created Bangladesh, died.

2015 – Accidental explosion at Taiwan water park.

2015 – Guinness world record attempt for largest Einstein gathering.


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