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With open fronts in the run-up to the elections

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Exactly two weeks before the opening of the ballot box for the double election on 9 June, the scene is extremely ambiguous and with several surprises. To a large extent, the political forces seem to have failed to manage their internal party problems, while the general disdain that seems to have prevailed in society at large predicts a strengthening of the tendency for revenge voting. This implies that it increases the likelihood of surprises emerging from the June 9 ballot box, bringing upheavals not only in the party map but in the political scene in general.

Attention is essentially focused on three levels:

  • The battle for first place between DISY and AKEL.
  • The battle for the 3rd place and the final percentage of the vote between DIKO and ELAM.
  • The battle for 5th place, the percentages of EDEK, DIPA, and the Ecologists, and the percentage that Volt and the candidacy of Feidias Panagiotou will register.

What can be seen as a general conclusion in the last stage of the election campaign is that the parties are largely moving ahead with open fronts. This is beginning to be reflected in the mood of the electorate. At this point, the assessment that this mood will eventually be expressed at the ballot box is even more reinforced.

DISY: Last Wednesday, DISY presented the political manifesto for the European elections, which was prepared in cooperation with the European People’s Party. The party was overtly keen to put out a program of political positions in response to the criticism it continues to receive with most people believing there is a lack of political robustness. The discontent is seen among the popular and nationalist right but also in the bourgeois and more liberal class of the party. As far as the more popular and nationalist right-wing is concerned, the greatest leaks to ELAM are also recorded.

AKEL: AKEL knows that it is closer than ever to being the first party for the first time since the 2006 parliamentary elections and the first time in European elections. On the other hand, the nightmare of recent contests, especially the previous parliamentary elections, has created phobic syndromes that have not yet been overcome. According to party estimates and measurements, the Left Party is registering a momentum which, with the vote of the T/Cypriots, will become even stronger, capable of giving it the lead. At the same time, however, caution is also expressed, which has to do with the unpredictable factor of participation.

DIKO-ELAM: DIKO Chairman Nicolas Papadopoulos is trying to do his best in the fight with ELAM and the battle for the 3rd place. The move to invite ELAM leader Christou to a debate on the issue of immigration and his proposal to grant travel documents to immigrants is subject to various interpretations but there is the assessment that it is a good opportunity for DIKO to expose ELAM for populism and unworkable positions. However, there are fears that the whole story will backfire on DIKO. ELAM is playing as an anti-systemic party, largely receiving protest votes. Its confrontation with parties that are seen by a large part of society as systemic, works in its favor. At the same time, however, it is pointed out by political circles that once again DIKO is making the same mistake during the election campaign, being obsessed and focusing on one issue. On the other hand, it is the first time that ELAM has been exposed at a political level to such a large extent, but at the moment, it doesn’t seem to have affected it.

EDEK-DIPA: EDEK and DIPA have spent the last part of the election campaign on the organizational part, investing in the experience that their executives have in holding elections. Last week DIPA presented its four proposals on the economy, wanting to send messages to society. The fact is that both parties are facing some issues. Regarding EDEK, it is the known stories from the and no one knows how they will affect the party in this election. If it manages to get the votes it got in the parliamentary elections it will be a huge success. DIPA remains a big question mark. The polls are not encouraging at all even though the party leadership insists on talking about high figures of 7.50% and one MEP.

Ecologists-Volt: The Ecologists do not have the organizational structure of these two parties, but they do have a leadership that is experienced in elections. The wounds of the recent confrontation have not been fully healed. What the impact of this at the ballot box will be, is unknown. The bar has not been set high, however.

Volt is a new political move. The other parties’ problems may positively influence Volt. It seems so far to be picking up a slice of left-wing voters but also a portion of DISY voters who are pro-solution fans.

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