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Weapons found in Oroklini grave not part of National Guard inventory

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The National Guard has confirmed to the Cyprus Police that the G3 rifle seized from a criminal group in Oroklini is not part of their inventory.

This verification, received today around noon, strengthens the theory that the rifle originated from the Turkish military, philenews reports.

The German manufacturer Heckler & Koch licensed G3 rifle production to several countries, including Turkey.

The Oroklini weapon’s specific features, such as the handguard, reportedly match those used by the Turkish military.

On Tuesday, Police arrested two men and seized a large cache of weapons, including a G3 military rifle, explosives, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, from a grave in Oroklini.

Police said they acted on a tip about weapons transportation and apprehended a 46-year-old man who was moving a portion of the arsenal.

Authorities believe the group may have been planning criminal acts based on the variety and quantity of weapons seized. 

Both suspects are in eight-day police custody after a court appearance. All the recovered items will undergo forensic examination to determine if they have been used in any crimes.

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