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Under 40 tomorrow, rain on the way, dust persists

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It’s cooling down fast over the next few days, as conditions and weather patterns change, with overcast skies and rain on Monday, albeit a brief respite, as temperatures are expected to rise again on Tuesday, remaining much higher than the seasonal average.

Tomorrow will see the first day of inland under 40s for more than a week, with clear skies, but turning partly overcast over the mountains in the afternoon. Winds will initially be light variable force four, later turning southwesterly to northwesterly, moderate to strong force four to five, over slight to moderate seas.

Temperatures will rise to 39 degrees Celsius inland, 31 over southern and western coastal areas, 35 in the north, 33 over eastern coastal regions and 28 over the mountains.

Rain is possible early afternoon on Monday over higher mountainous areas, but fine and hot returns on Tuesday and Wednesday, with temperatures rising to the over 40s again, significantly higher than seasonal measurements.

Dust is the only constant, persisting throughout.

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