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Two officers suspended, 7 under negligence investigation in Tremithousa murder case

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Police seem to be cleaning up house following strong criticism of dragging their feet in a serious case of domestic violence that tragically resulted in the killing of a young mother in Paphos, with her estranged husband remanded in custody.

The suspect is being treated for injuries to his abdomen following an altercation with the victim and the subsequent fatal stabbing, during which neighbours alerted police, who seemingly failed to respond to the calls in a timely manner.

It was also established that the man had a pending arrest warrant for recently assaulting Petya Krateva, mother to two children aged 12 and 2, who had taken protective measures against him.

As police spokesperson Christos Andreou said, two members of the force have been suspended for negligence and a disciplinary investigation has been opened on seven other officers.

‘Following a preliminary report of the officer assigned yesterday to investigate whether police responded to neighbours calls in connection with the premeditated murder in Paphos, it is established the further action is needed’, Andreou announced, adding that a high ranked officer has been appointed to conduct a disciplinary investigation against seven members of the force.

The investigating officer will also look into whether appropriate action was taken for the timely location and arrest of the suspect following the warrant against him on violence in the domestic violence charges, as submitted by his estranged wife.

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