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Third successive blaze in Nicosia district, between picturesque Fikardou village and Farmakas (UPDATED 2)

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No end to fire fronts in the Nicosia district this afternoon. Dry conditions and strong winds have fanned flames in different areas, from the Kotsiatis dumpster to idyllic Fikardou.

In the third fire of the day, 11 fire fighting planes and helicopters are making water drops on the mountains between the villages of Fikardou, a UNESCO site and the resort of Farmakas.

According to the latest reports, a number of homes are at risk. Authorities have ordered the evacuation of Farmakas.

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Ground forces from the fire service and the forestry department are tackling the blaze, supported by the gaming service, the National Guard and volunteers. Additional forces are being brought in from the emergency response unit and the Larnaca fire stations.

The size of the fire has called for the activation of the Ikaros II plan, on standby since early this afternoon, said fire service spokesperson Andreas Kettis.

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In addition, the Limassol fire service is responding with two vehicles to a fire near Alassa, with Jordanian fire fighting helicopters also in the area.

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