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The Golden Key of the City of Paphos to Senator Robert Menendez

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In a special ceremony held on Friday evening at the Municipal Hall, the Municipality of Paphos awarded Senator Robert Menendez with the title of honorary citizen of the city and presented him with the Golden Key of the city, in the presence of officials and a large number of people.

The rationale behind the decision of the Paphos City Council to confer the honors on Mr. Menendez emphasized his long and tireless action to defend and enshrine respect for international law, freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law as principles of universal scope.

It also expresses the gratitude of the citizens of Paphos for its unwavering and consistent support over time for the lifting of the Turkish occupation of Cyprus and the restoration of basic human rights and fundamental freedoms for all Cypriots through the achievement of a viable and lasting solution to the Cyprus Problem that will reunite the country and its people.

It is also noted that Senator Menendez, at a critical juncture for humanity, is a shining example of an inspiring politician whose words and actions provide support for the weak against the strong and strengthen the belief in justice in all its manifestations.

The decision concludes with the recognition of the fact that Senator Menendez, through his overall action in defense of the causes and interests of Hellenism of major importance, has emerged as a true and selfless philhellene.

Addressing Senator Menendez, the Mayor of Paphos, Phedonas Phedonos, stressed that Senator Menendez proves daily and sends the encouraging message that in the complex system of international relations with conflicting geopolitical and other interests, it is possible to serve the legitimate interests of peoples through the exercise of foreign policy on the basis of the principles of international law and democracy.

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