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The Cypriot flag at the Hamburg Court for Kenan (images)

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The court proceedings against the Kurdish activist Kenan Ayaz started at the Hamburg District Court, on Friday 3 November.

Kenan Ayaz, who was extradited to Germany from Cyprus, is accused of being a member of a terrorist organization, but without any criminal offense, apart from organizing events and fundraisers in support of the Kurdish struggle.

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Kenan Ayaz’ defense team included his Cypriot lawyer Efstathios Efstathiou, while MP and AKEL press spokesman George Koukoumas was also present.

Outside the German court, a symbolic solidarity event was held with the central demand for the release of Kenan Ayaz. The Cypriot flag was also raised at the event, proof of the concern of Cypriots for the fate of Kenan Ayaz.

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Although suffering from the particularly harsh conditions in which he is detained, Kenan appeared to be in good spirits and happy to meet friends from Cyprus, he sent a message of victory.

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His trial will continue on Tuesday, 7 November.

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