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Tatar knocking on doors in Brussels

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“Equal international status” with a European stamp is what Ersin Tatar, the representative of occupying Turkey, who through Ankara is trying to be very active abroad, wants. Tatar, who first declared himself a Turk, now calls himself a ‘European’ and is looking forward to the cooperation of the illegal regime with Brussels!

The Turkish side, as is well known, has included in its claims, which bear the code 3 alpha ( Direct trade, Direct flights, Direct international contacts), the upgrading of the meetings of the occupation leader, Ersin Tatar abroad, as well as of other officials of the breakaway regime. The issue, in this case, is not the holding of visits and meetings, which are already taking place (Tatar is in Australia), but under what regime he is asking that they take place. He wants his contacts to be the same as those of President Christodoulides! In other words, at the same level. Full equation of the Republic of Cyprus with the occupation regime. This is what the Turkish side means, among other things, when it refers to the ‘equal international status’ of the Republic of Cyprus and the ‘TRNC.’

However, it is clear that any efforts made by the Turkish side, mainly in Brussels, have fallen on deaf ears. Ersin Tatar has not found open doors for visits and meetings as he wants them. At the same time, however, the efforts of the occupation side for upgrading are finding ground in Turkish-speaking countries, especially in Azerbaijan, which has intensified contacts with the occupied territories. There are frequent exchanges of visits by both Azeris to the occupied territories and by officials of the pseudo-state to Baku. This relationship and the back and forth, which is taking place under pressure from Ankara, are causing concern as a bomb could explode at any moment. Although this is difficult also because of the European Union, it is still a possibility that cannot be downplayed.

However, the occupying side, insisting on the policy of recognizing two states in Cyprus, has entered a one-way street. The policy of recognizing sovereign equality is the only one on the table for the occupying power and it is clear that they are investing in a deadlock so that they can push it further. It is clear that if an impasse is declared, Ankara will attempt to openly blackmail developments in this direction.

What is also clear is that the Turkish side will not make a move before July and the completion of the mission of María Angela Holguín Cuéllar, the UN Secretary General’s Special envoy. Not, of course, implying that Turkey will take any action after July. Particularly, when this month will be “festive” for the occupation side because of the anniversaries of the invasion.

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