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Process of gradual removal of speed bumps in Cyprus begins

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As the process of the gradual removal of speed bumps in Cyprus begins some 2,000 proposals for new ones to be installed are currently pending, Philenews reported on Wednesday.

There are about 12,000 speed bumps all around Cyprus today, according to data by the Department of Public Works.

These were primarily placed in residential areas or high-traffic zones to address speeding issues but have become factors behind serious road accidents or are just a nuisance to drivers.

The decision to remove them is made by a Committee comprised of professional urban planners and traffic engineers who evaluate road conditions.

And they take into consideration factors like road curvature, pedestrian activity, proximity to residential areas and driver speeds.

The first removed bumps are four on Hirokitia-Ora road on which there were a total of 10 and residents had been complaining for years.

Other roads that now have bumps and are planned to become two lanes in each direction will also see them removed.

Authorities have realised that many bumps were installed for a purpose that has eventually evolved making them obsolete. Moreover, most are either out of specification or have become unsuitable due to damage to the roadway.

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