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President briefs political leadership on Cyprus issue in National Council session

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Developments in the Cyprus issue, in light of the appointment of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy, are at the center of today’s session of the National Council.

The President of the Republic, Nikos Christodoulides, is briefing the members of the body on the prospects that have opened up after the prolonged interruption of negotiations since Crans Montana in 2017.

Government spokesperson Konstantinos Letymbiotis stated on the main news bulletin of RIK that political leaders will present their positions on these issues, engage in a thorough exchange of views, and make recommendations for individuals who can participate in the Cypriot team advising the President of the Republic.

Among other matters, besides those related to investigating conditions for unlocking the negotiation process, reports that are before the UN Security Council are expected to be discussed. The focus of these reports includes Turkish provocations in the buffer zone.

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