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Man guilty of sexually abusing 11-year-old foster daughter

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A 50-year-old man was convicted on 15 charges of sexually abusing his 11-year-old foster daughter over the course of a year, a court in Limassol ruled on Friday.

The man committed the crimes against the minor behind in the home where she resided as a foster child, the court said in a closed-door session.

Prosecutors’ witnesses were deemed credible by the court, while the defence witnesses including the accused were found unreliable, according to Phileleftheros.

The defendant had denied the charges, leading to a trial.

The court has scheduled a new hearing for mitigation pleas before sentencing the man, who was remanded to Centrals Prisons as a convicted offender.

Phileleftheros reported the victim, now aged 14, was placed in the foster home around three years ago after receiving little affection from her biological parents. She later broke her silence about the abuse, leading to a complaint with authorities.

An investigation was launched after the girl’s revelations, culminating in the prosecuted case at the Limassol Criminal Court.

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