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Machairas forest disaster averted, as Farmakas fire demarcated but still not under control

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The Machairas forest was saved at the last gasp, said Justice Minister Marios Hartsiotis, who remains at the Farmakas coordinating centre, as more than 250 fire fighters and volunteers are battling a massive blaze since early this afternoon.

‘The fire is still not under control’, Hartsiotis clarified, as he informed on the latest, while the Agriculture, Defence and Transport Ministers were also on site. The Justice Minister said that tomorrow will mark the launching of an investigation on the causes, adding that a total of seven fires broke out across the island today, in the space of just a few hours.

Fire service spokesperson Andreas Kettis said that winds have abated and this will help ground forces continue to demarcate the fire, opening up corridors, with efforts focusing on the eastern front, bordering the Machairas forest. He stressed that the situation remained difficult, but first light of day will mean the return of air support.

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