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Limassol Police find drugs, €25,000 in man’s car

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Acting on intelligence, members of the YKAN (Drug Law Enforcement Unit) yesterday afternoon apprehended a 31-year-old man in Limassol during a vehicle stop.

A subsequent search of the car uncovered 21 packages containing about 16 grams of cocaine, along with smaller quantities of ketamine, amphetamine, and €25,140 in cash.

The suspect was arrested, and a follow-up search of his Limassol apartment yielded additional drugs: 10 grams of cocaine, 7 grams of cannabis, a digital scale, and 13 electronic cigarettes containing a total of 26 grams of THC liquid.

All seized items were taken as evidence. The 31-year-old, facing drug possession and related charges, was re-arrested under a court warrant and remains in custody.

YKAN Limassol continues its investigation.

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