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Limassol Police arrest man after scuffle; fake ID found

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Limassol police arrested a 38-year-old man yesterday afternoon following a struggle during a routine check.

Officers patrolling Georgios Fasouliotis Street on bicycles noticed a pedestrian acting suspiciously around 5:00 p.m. and approached him for identification.

The man presented a Bulgarian ID card, but authorities became suspicious as his appearance didn’t match the photo. A search revealed a 19.5-centimeter knife with a pointed tip in his possession.

The man was arrested for forgery and carrying an offensive weapon. During the arrest, he reportedly pushed a police officer in the chest and attempted to flee. He was subsequently re-arrested for assaulting a police officer.

Further searches uncovered burglary tools and property that the man couldn’t explain. He later confessed to the offences during questioning at Limassol CID offices, revealing his true identity.

Authorities confirmed the man has been residing illegally in Cyprus since October 2021 based on initial checks of his documentation. The Bulgarian ID card is believed to be counterfeit.

The man remains in custody and is expected to appear before Limassol District Court today for a detention hearing.

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