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Kenan Ayaz’s trial begins with opening statements in Hamburg Court

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The trial of Kenan Ayaz commenced on Friday with opening statements at the Hamburg Regional Court.

The Kurdish activist appeared in court in good health, despite the hardships he faced during his incarceration. An intervention was organised outside the courthouse by Kurdish, Cypriot, and German activists in solidarity with Ayaz.

The defense team includes Cyprus-based lawyer Efstathios Efstathiou, and the trial was attended by Giorgos Koukoumas, a member of the Cypriot parliament and the AKEL party’s spokesperson.

In the opening statement by Kenan Ayaz’ defense team, it was noted that the conditions in Turkey and the Turkish-Kurdish conflict have significantly evolved since the Kurdish activist’s initial conviction in 2013.

The statement highlighted that this has not changed the approach of the German Federal Prosecution, which continues to target alleged members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), including individuals who are not designated as leaders.

The defense team further emphasized that Turkey is currently under a dictatorial regime that ruthlessly persecutes Kurds using illegal means according to international law.

It additionally argued that the ongoing persecution of Kurds as terrorists within Germany is driven by Turkish pressure and is politically motivated, as it is based on Article 129B, which can only be applied under the Federal Ministry of Justice’s command.

The defense argued that Ayaz is persecuted for social and political activities that are not punishable under German law. He is charged with participating in organising demonstrations, communicating with individuals alleged to be PKK members, and fundraising

 Notably, he is not charged with any acts of violence. The defense statement reaffirmed the concerns expressed at the Larnaca District Court in Cyprus and the Supreme Court of Cyprus regarding the collaboration between German and Turkish judicial authorities, as well as the meeting between the German Attorney General and Turkish President Erdogan in July 2022, shortly after the NATO summit.

Furthermore, the defense pointed out that Kenan Ayaz is one of the 151 defendants in the large KCK trial involving Kurdish activism, ongoing since 2010, highlighting the substantial interest the Turkish government has in him and his educational work.

Ayaz, in his own statement apologised for speaking in Turkish, as his mother tongue, Kurdish, was forbidden as he grew up.

He pointed out the systematic violation of the dignity and identity of the Kurdish people by the Turkish state.

Ayaz stated that the Kurdish struggle is more about existence than freedom. “The political rights of Kurds are not up for discussion. The struggle of the Kurds for their dignity is considered terrorism by many countries, especially Germany,” he added. “A people are relentlessly sacrificed for today’s economic interests.”

Kenan Ayaz, further mentioned the Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus. “In the eyes of the world, the people of Cyprus suffered a great massacre and genocide. Women were raped in front of their children. People were abducted and disappeared. The people of Cyprus continue to search for the bones of their children, fifty years into Turkish occupation,” he said with deep emotion, adding, “When the Turkish state invaded Kurdish lands and conducted a genocidal campaign, it did so under the cover of terrorism. But what is the justification for the invasion of Cyprus? Why do European countries, particularly Germany, accept the 50-year occupation of Cyprus by the Turkish state?”

He concluded by stating that Erdogan tramples on human dignity, commits genocide, and war crimes.

“Erdogan should be tried here today, not me. But I regret to say that I am being tried here today at his request.”

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