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Je Suis Andriana Nikolaou as hundreds gather outside Legal Service, seeking justice in Thanasis case

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Truth, Justice, Catharsis, was the three pronged message of a protest held this morning outside the Attorney General’s Office in Nicosia, demanding a comprehensive and independent investigation into those responsible for killing 26 year old Thanasis Nikolaou, a couple of weeks after the Legal Service that the Australian born Cypriot was murdered while serving in the National Guard 19 years ago, throwing out a previous ruling of suicide.

The main speaker was his mum Andriana Nikolaou, a figure of determination, whose sheer insistence and pressure essentially eroded any resistance there might have been and brought the case to the fore, leading to its reopening.

‘You are all my children and siblings, I am not alone’, Andriana said.

The protest was co-organised by the family and the Committee of Mothers of Relatives soldiers, aiming to maintain interest in the case and seeking vindication for Thanasis.

Buses brought people from all across Cyprus, demanding a ‘clean up’, as they said, of the corruption and ‘cover up’ in the Thanasis Nicolaou case, that has also garnered extensive international interest.

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