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Hot weather persists today, but drop expected on Friday

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The weather on Thursday will be mainly fine, with occasional high cloud.

Winds in the morning will blow mostly from the southeast to southwest, mild to moderate, 3 to 4 Beaufort, but will strengthen and turn southwesterly to northwesterly by the afternoon, moderate, 4 Beaufort, in the interior and strong to locally strong, 4 to 5 Beaufort, along the coasts.

The sea will be slight to moderate.

Temperatures will rise to around 34 degrees Celsius inland, around 27 in the western coastal areas, around 29 in the rest of the coasts, and 24 degrees in the higher mountains.

The temperature on Friday will drop, especially inland, and it will remain at similar levels until Sunday, staying close to the average climatic values for this time of year.

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