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HIO nears completion of referral service takeover

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The Health Insurance Organisation (HIO) is nearing completion of preparations to assume responsibility for the patient referral service for specialised surgeries and examinations, according to its year-old timeline.

Phileleftheros reported the HIO is finalising its implementation plan for the programme, currently managed by the Ministry of Health.

Draft regulations are also being developed for the service’s operation under the HIO. The Ministry is expected to be involved soon to facilitate a smooth handover process, as previously agreed.

The HIO’s next steps were determined during an internal meeting two weeks ago. Ministry participation will be sought imminently.

Ministry assistance is deemed crucial for transferring the existing referral mechanism, led by Director-General Christina Giannaki, to the HIO. Staff training, the establishment of medical boards, and agreements with overseas medical centres for patient referrals are all required.

Last summer’s decision included seconding Ministry staff to the HIO until it acquires the necessary expertise.

Personnel transfers haven’t occurred yet but may happen soon if initial preparations are complete.

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