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High school teacher dismissed over behavioural issues

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A high school teacher from Limassol has been removed from public education after causing serious problems for educators, students, and parents for quite some time, with complaints reaching the hands of the police.

The teacher, who worked at a high school and had troubled the Police Station of Polemidia, created issues and disturbances that led to complaints not only against students but also against their parents.

One of the recent complaints was an allegation of threats from a parent of a student, concerning grades the teacher had given in his daughter’s written exam.

According to reliable information provided to philenews, the teacher was referred to the Education Service Committee following a request from the Ministry of Education, stating that the said teacher had been found inadequate in performing his duties.

Moreover, it seems he was not receptive to the support offered by the school.

In communication with an authorized person from the Ministry of Education, philenews confirmed the dismissal of the teacher, which, as clarified, was based on procedures followed recently.

The dismissal had been decided days ago, but was only executed today. He boarded the bus for an excursion with the students.

The dismissal letter for the teacher was handed over today, Monday (8/4), while a school trip had been scheduled.

The teacher, as philenews can confirm, had boarded the bus and was not getting off.

Eventually, after the students disembarked, the teacher was handed the dismissal letter by a Ministry of Education official. After receiving the letter, he complied with the instructions and left the school.

It should be noted that there are two pending cases against the said teacher at the police, which will be forwarded to the Legal Service within the next few days for relevant instructions.

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