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Farmakas evacuation order recalled, as residents told to stay for now, while isolated homes outside the village being evacuated (UPDATED)

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The Fire Service and Forestry Department are focusing their attention on the major fire that remained out of control late in the afternoon between the villages of Fikardou and Farmakas, with 11 planes and helicopters continuing water drops.

A previous evacuation order to residents of Farmakas has been recalled, with people told to stay for the time being, with the situation to be re-evaluated. But they are proceeding with the evacuation of isolated homes outside the community.

Chief Fire Officer Nikos Logginos and district head of Nicosia fire stations are on scene to coordinate efforts, with the service creating an advanced control centre.

Ground forces are being supported by other state services and organised volunteer groups.

Air forces include two British Bases helicopters.

Due to heavy smoke, police have closed the Odou-Lazanias and Machairas-Lazanias roads.

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