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Dust remains over weekend but rain on the way

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Harmful African dust will persist in the atmosphere over the weekend mostly inland, but is expected to gradually clear as of tomorrow evening onwards, giving way to isolated showers and thunderstorms in some areas with a drop in temperatures.

A low pressure is affecting the island and overcast skies late afternoon carry the possibility of isolated showers over the mountains. Winds will be moderate to strong southwesterly to northwesterly, force four to five, over slight to moderate seas. Temperatures will rise to 30 degrees Celsius inland, 27 over western coastal regions, 29 in the rest of the coastal areas and 24 on the mountains.

Clear skies this evening. Winds will initially be light southwesterly to northwesterly force four and gradually turning light to moderate force three to four, over calm to slight seas. Temperatures will drop to 17 degrees Celsius inland, 18 in coastal regions and 14 on the mountains.

Sunshine tomorrow, the last Sunday in spring, for most of the day, but overcast skies in the evening might bring isolated showers.

The stormy pattern is set to continue into Monday, with a gradual improvement from late afternoon onwards and through to Tuesday. Temperatures will be around the seasonal average over the next three days.

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