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Doctors from Shriners to begin operations on children with orthopedic problems

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On Tuesday, specialized surgeries for children with orthopedic problems by a team of doctors from the Shriners Hospitals for Children of the United States will officially begin in Cyprus, said Health Minister Dr. Popi Kanari, who added that following an agreement between the National Health Services Agency and the Shriners Hospitals for Children, these surgeries will now be performed permanently at Makarios Hospital.

According to Dr. Kanari, next Tuesday some specialized neurosurgical operations will begin, while next Thursday some orthopedic operations will be carried out on children who were examined in January during the visit of a medical team from the hospitals.

It is noted that 200 children, including children from neighboring countries, were examined in January.

The Health Minister explained that in 2018, an agreement was signed, through the George and Thelma Paraskevaides Foundation based in Cyprus, for Shriners doctors to carry out surgeries in Cyprus, however, she noted that this agreement was formalized on 2 October 2023 and thus these surgeries will now be carried out permanently at Makarios Hospital.

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