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Cyprus solution could reverse political decline, corruption, says NCA

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The New Cyprus Association (NCA) has expressed deep concern about the perceived decline of Cyprus’ political system and institutions.

In a press release issued today, the NCA highlights recent developments in Cyprus that, in their view, indicate a critical situation where institutions are clashing and failing to serve the public good.

“As citizens of Cyprus, we feel disappointed and concerned about the state of our country,” the NCA states. They lament that the current state is far from the hopeful nation that gained independence in 1960.

The NCA ponders the potential role of the Turkish Cypriot community in reversing this decline.

They posit that a solution to the Cyprus issue, leading to Turkish Cypriot participation in a federal state’s governing structures, could be a catalyst for positive change.

The NCA believes such participation would foster a “truly European and democratic” state, with institutions serving citizens rather than “corrupt politicians.”

The press release specifically mentions positions like a Turkish Cypriot Vice President of the Central Bank or an Assistant Attorney General as potential safeguards against “political deviations.”

The NCA concludes by expressing hope that Turkish Cypriot involvement can help limit the “moral and political collapse” they perceive in recent years.

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