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Cyprus records summer surge in COVID-19 cases as social activities rise

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Increased social activity during the summer months has led to a rise in COVID-19 cases and hospitalisations in Cyprus.

While official Health Ministry data shows a steady increase in cases (194 cases in the week ending June 2nd, 248 cases last week), unofficial numbers are likely much higher.

This is because many people are now self-testing and not reporting positive results, although some may consult doctors.

Personal doctors typically report cases to authorities for individuals requiring specialised treatment.

Hospital admissions for COVID-19 have also seen an upward trend, with reports suggesting five to six new patients daily nationwide.

Notably, there were no hospitalisations for extended periods in the past two months.

Official data confirms nine new admissions last week, with two ICU admissions reported the week before.

Dr Constantinos Tsioutis, an Assistant Professor in Pathology and Infection Control, highlighted the link between increased mobility and COVID-19 transmission. “Just like the rest of the world,” he said, “Cyprus is experiencing its fifth summer with COVID-19. We know very well that transmission is directly linked to our mobility. It is no coincidence, therefore, that an increase in cases is observed every summer. More people are leaving their homes and coming into contact with others.”

Tsioutis stressed the importance of continued vigilance: “The protective measures are well-known. Each of us has a responsibility to apply them to protect ourselves and those around us,’ he said, emphasising that “we must remember that vulnerable groups of the population remain vulnerable, and we must take care of people who belong to these categories, such as elderly people, the chronically ill and immunocompromised individuals”.

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