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Cable caper cracked as police nab suspect in EAC substation burglaries

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Famagusta Police has arrested a 35-year-old man in connection with four burglaries and thefts committed between January and May 2024.

Three burglaries targeted Electricity Authority Cyprus (EAC) substations, resulting in the theft of cables. In one instance, metal doors were also stolen.

These incidents occurred on January 28 and May 4.

A residential burglary in Protaras, between January 31 and February 4, involved the theft of a television, boiler, and kitchen utensils.

Following investigations, authorities gathered evidence linking the suspect to all four cases. He was arrested and remains in custody.

This arrest comes after the apprehension of two other suspects, aged 31 and 29, on May 5 for their involvement in one of the EAC substation burglaries on May 4.

Their case is already progressing towards trial.

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