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9 out of 10 fires is arson, says Fire Service, predicting ‘tough summer’ ahead

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The dry winter is building towards a dangerous fire season, said fire service spokesperson Andreas Kettis in an interview with the Cyprus News Agency, referring extensively to the causes, including the prevalence of arson and the effects of rapid climate change, having repercussions to environment and society.

92% of fires in Cyprus break out as a result of human activity, based on statistics resulting from a comprehensive investigation, adding however that 2022-23 saw a significant drop in their number.

‘The fire seasons have grown longer’, Kettis added, also due to climatic conditions, predicting a tough summer in fire fighting terms, but on the up side, there is hope that measures and greater prevention will keep fires at the same level as the past two years.

The fires, he noted, are starting early, in April, lasting through to November, noting three to four major blazes in the spring time, but also pointing to the additional efforts taken at coordination between all state services connected with fire fighting.

The unknown new factor, he said, is fire process and behaviour. They have become more difficult to tackle and far more unpredictable, due to drought and environmental realities, making break outs much easier.

‘It’s very rare for a fire to start through other causes beyond human activity, Kettis added, requiring a string of negative simultaneous factors.

He once again stressed the need to raise even more awareness, pointing to the importance of media campaigns.

The government has promised additional measures that will go a long way towards prevention and containment of fires, including a much more effective umbrella of coordination and spotting.

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