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DISY leader calls for regular meetings of the National Council

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President of DISY, Annita Demetriou stated that the National Council should convene on a regular basis,

According to Ms. Demetriou, the Cypriot issue concerns not merely the government but also the broader political leadership.

She reiterated DISY’s request, characterizing the government’s alternative proposal for political leaders to communicate with the President by phone to stay informed about current developments as misguided.

Furthermore, Ms. Demetriou continued, for such serious matters, political leaders and institutions cannot rely on the mass media for information, “such as today’s reports about an invitation from the Turkish President to the President of the Republic to visit Ankara. Or even when there is no information at all.”

Ms. Demetriou concludes that the National Council is the body where accurate and timely information can be provided, opinions and assessments can be exchanged, and collective handling of issues concerning our national problem can occur.

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