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Saturday, June 22, 2024

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On This Day: Leading Nazi Heinrich Himmler committed suicide in 1945

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Following are some of the major events to have occurred on May 23:

1934 – Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, notorious American outlaws, robbers and murderers, were killed in a shootout with police.

1937 – John D. Rockefeller, U.S. multimillionaire and founder of the Standard Oil Company, died.

1945 – Leading German Nazi Heinrich Himmler committed suicide a day after being captured. Admiral Karl Doenitz and leading members of the German government were arrested. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill resigned, bringing an end to the country’s wartime coalition.

1999 – The film “Star Wars: Episode 1 — The Phantom Menace” became the first to make more than $100 million in five days.

2002 – Sam Snead, whose unmatched 135 tournament victories worldwide and trademark straw hat made him a golfing legend, died aged 89.

2006 – Former U.S. senator and treasury secretary Lloyd Bentsen, who ran unsuccessfully for vice president in 1988, died aged 85.

2007 – Apa Sherpa scales Mount Everest for record 17th time.

2007 – Helicopter pilots Jennifer Murray and Colin Bodill complete world aviation record by flying around the world via the North and South Poles.

2009 – South Korea’s former President Roh Moo-hyun, hounded for weeks over links to a corruption scandal, jumped to his death in the mountains near his home.

2013 – Highway bridge collapses in Mt. Vernon, Washington.

2016 – Official opening of world’s first functional 3D printed offices in Dubai.


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