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Government proposes single-parent allowance reform

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The government has launched a public consultation on a draft law amending the definition of a single-parent family for awarding child allowances.

The proposed change excludes a cohabiting partner’s income from the assessment process when the couple has no children together. This aims to modernise support measures for single-parent families and address contemporary needs.

Under the current law, a single-parent family is defined as one where a parent lives with a dependent child, acquired through marriage or outside marriage, and lives alone due to being single, widowed, divorced, or having a missing or incarcerated spouse (sentence exceeding six months).

The draft law expands this definition to include married parents living alone with a dependent child due to the other parent’s imprisonment exceeding six months.

For calculating family income, the gross income of all members, including income from employment, pensions, rents, interest, alimony, government grants, and other allowances, will still be considered. However, a cohabiting partner’s income will be excluded if they have no common children with the applicant.

Student income from employment, child allowances, student grants, disability benefits, and scholarships remain exempt from income calculations.

The law is expected to come into effect three months after publication in the Official Gazette.

Interested parties can submit comments and proposals on the draft law until June 17 through the government’s e-Dialogue platform.

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